Founded in 2017, The NEW TRUTH Records is based out of Texas.  In addition to its function as an artist-run, artist-friendly independent label, The NEW TRUTH encompasses promotional efforts to allocate its resources across a wide range of platforms and channels to increase artists exposure in order to achieve an additional advantage within the several realms of the music industry.

The NEW TRUTH is a music and multimedia company supporting work of high quality, integrity, and individuality.  We also work with event production and entertainment industries to promote music through Branding.  Our approach to this is using strategies such as advertising and marketing, with public relations we are using media tools for the marketing products and cross promotion for music artists and to connect them with sponsors and potential new fanbases at special events.

We mean to represent these artists as faithfully and diligently as possible.  We also enjoy laughter, good times, and the company of friends…


Target your music to Hollywood movies, to Television, to Commercials, to Advertisers, to Special Events, to Motion Picture Soundtracks, to Publishers & to those unique Once in A Lifetime opportunities.

  • We promote your music with playlist campaigns as well as other marketing efforts.
  • Mainstream exposure to getting your music considered for commercial advertisement or other types of promotions.
  • If you music is approved you will receive more information and a contract proposal.

Our Core Values

We are here to help artists, bands and music creators to evolve every day, making their music heard. 

We are not a distributor.  Even though we put our heart into developing digital tools that help us spread good, creative music all over the world.

We focus only on what we believe in and that is helping artists help themself.

You bring the ambitions, the hard work and we bring the knowledge and the experience.